The name of our cottage is Namaste (pronounced “Naa-Maa-Stay”). This is an ancient Sanskrit word with no literal translation but is generally translated to “The Spirit within me honors and respects the Spirit within you.” Everything about this house is as lovely as the pictures portray and it is easy to feel at peace here (if you overlook the pile of boxes we brought that need to be unpacked).
The walls are painted a rich, deep red and the house is furnished with Asian furniture and art. The only furniture we stored, our Buddha, Chinese chests and Asian Altar table would have fit in nicely. The floor in the main areas is nicely tiled which will be cool and easy to care for. Both bedrooms are nice with beautiful bedding and accents.
Dennis, the owner, has done a fabulous job of utilizing all possible space and has created a Zen garden in back that is lush and private. The only “downside” is it is fairly compact as space on this island is at a premium – whether it is housing, postage sized lots or parking. We had originally wanted a house with 3 bedrooms because Michael’s photography equipment takes up one room and we brought down his large desk, piecemeal, so he could set up his computer equipment. We tried every variation under the sun but his 3 by 7 foot desk was not going to fit in this sweet house without destroying the ambiance of the house so it sits in storage and I think will be given away. I thought we should try one more house before jettisoning this treasure but Michael seems pretty satisfied with a smaller 2 by 4 foot desk. We’ll see what we decide down the road.
As we have started to settle in we can easily see the love and care Dennis has used in creating this special space. In addition to the lovely colors, furniture and art, there is attention to comfort and beauty. Nice dishes, lovely glasses (drinking, wine, party), good utensils, a nice selection of Caphelon pots and pans, etc. all make this feel like a vacation and home. We’ll need to spend the next few days sorting through our stuff and getting it packed away or moved back into storage and then we can relax into our space.
Namaste looks like a wonderful house to be in. Love the buddha statue in the garden.
My mom would have loved this place. I feel her presence here.