I’m so deeply happy here. We’ve settled into a semi routine of getting up in the morning and heading out to the hammocks for some early morning reading, then having a lovely breakfast of fruit and muffins and then off for a dog walk and exploration of the neighborhood.
This is a lovely town. The streets are sweet, with lovely house and lots a fantastic plants. People have spent a lot of time and love on their gardens and it is truly a tropical paradise.
I’ve got the travel bug so bad, this is the first time I haven’t actively fantasized about buying here and poured through the real estate ads as I’ve done just about everywhere else we’ve been. (But just for the record, I could easily live here.) Afternoons consist of a lovely lunch on the deck and then siestas in the hammocks with a romp at the dog park or a different walk around town. Evenings are relaxing and again the breeze has been blowing pretty consistently every day. We only use the air conditioning in our bedroom at night when we sleep.
The pace feels like when we were first married and I was a teacher with the summers off. There is plenty of time to relax and enjoy. We’ve been having fun making great breakfasts and dinners and then enjoying them with no time pressure. May get old after a while but for now it is heavenly.
Sounds like Nirvana! Any pictures of the dog?
Hi Susan;
Yes, I’ll post pictures of Mick later today.